How to apply

To apply for volunteering with In The Same Boat, you have to start by reading our information, terms, and conditions document and then fill out our application form:

1. Information, terms, and conditions (read first)

 We are looking for people between 18 and 30 that have a strong engagement with the ocean and a sustainable lifestyle.
The reward for your effort as a volunteer is memories and friends for life, experiencing the most beautiful coastline in the world.
If you have any further questions, you may also make contact with one of our ambassadors.

Important information for volunteers

Before you arrive and if you want to learn more before yo apply, you should prepare by reading these documents:

Short welcome information pre arrival
– How to get to your location
What to bring
– Important contacts
– Safety onboard checklist
– Beach cleaning manual
– ITSB School overview
– Practical test for crewmembers
– How to use our GPS trackers
– Self-declaration, driving our vehicles
– How to live happily on board
Beach Cleaning Presentation (presented on your arrival)
Welcome Presentation (presented on your arrival)