Roles and contacts
Useful contacts for In The Same Boat volunteers and skippers.
Operations management
Cross-team overall project and operations management, which team is where and when.
Rolf-Ørjan Høgset: +47 99 00 76 73 /
Economy and accounting
Questions about receipts, reports, and other questions related to economy and funding.
Rolf-Ørjan Høgset: 990 07 673 /
HR, insurance, and booking
Human resources, booking, insurance, and other questions about the whereabouts and well-being of volunteers and employees.
Rolf-Ørjan Høgset: +47 990 07 673
Technical questions, boats and equipment
First-line support for technical issues, responsible for following up regular services on all ITSB boats and insurance for technical equipment.
Håkon Bentsen Veholmen: +47 948 29 674 /
Communication and press contact
In charge of managing social media and communication with reporters.
Rolf-Ørjan Høgset: +47 990 07 673 /
Quality, safety, and deviations management
Rolf-Ørjan Høgset ( and Håkon Bentsen Veholmen (
Organization structure, formal roles, and responsibilities
In The Same Boat is an NGO with no employees but an active board director. All operations are run by Salt Life AS, owned by In The Same Boat and more than 30 other shareholders, running in a nonprofit model. Salt Life AS is completely dedicated to In The Same Boat.
Name | Role | Contact information |
Rolf-Ørjan Høgset | Board director, In The Same Boat | |
Håkon Bentsen Veholmen | Manager, Salt Life | |