This is a list of words and phrases you might find nice to know when joining In The Same Boat. Some words may not be the correct technical ones, but words we have simplified, adopted, or developed to have efficient communication with our volunteers that is similar across the organization.
Word | Explanation | Category |
Lock | Lock a rope in a way that it is safe to leave with a knot or a lock-lever | Sailing |
Hold | Hold a rope in a way that it does not move, but cane easily be adjusted | Sailing |
Release | Let out a rope in a controlled way | Sailing |
Tention | Hold back a bit on a rope that is released, with a bit of tention | Sailing |
Sheet | The rope that you use to trim the sail (or pull it out) | Sailing |
Inhall | The rope you pull to reef or take in a furling sail | Sailing |
Outhall | The rope you pull on the sail to take it out, from a furling mast or furling stay | Sailing |
Reef | Reduce the size of the sail to get less power when the wind increases | Sailing |
Power up the sail | Turn the boat or trim the boat to fill the sail with wind | Sailing |
Trim | Adjust the sail to get more (or less) power, normally with the sheet | Sailing |
Genoa | The big sail in the front of the boat, normally overlapping the mainsail | Sailing |
Self tacker | A triangle sail in the front of the boat where the sheet is connected to a traveller that makes the sail tack from one side to the other automatically when tacking. | Sailing |
Hoist (the sail) | Pull the haylard to hoist classical sails, on some of our boats the mainsail. | Sailing |
Haylard | The rope connected to the top of a sail to hoist in the mast | Sailing |
Cleet | The thing you put the rope on when mooring | Sailing |
Pullard | A bigger pole on the pir to put the ropes around when mooring | Sailing |
Starboard | Right side | Sailing |
Portside | Left side | Sailing |
Bow | Front part of the boat | Sailing |
Aft | The back part of the boat, also called stern or rear | Sailing |
Heeling | When the boat leans to one side while sailing | Sailing |
Tack | Turning the boat to catch the wind from the opposite side, normally going upwind. | Beach cleaning |