Norway reducing its efforts for a clean sea
The Norwegian government has been reducing the yearly budget for supporting volunteer beach cleaning every year since 2018, although new science proves that the negative
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Early September we launched our new campaign video about our focus on the Arctic areas.
For the time being, we have three teams finishing the cleaning season along the Norwegian coastline, Bergen, Arctic Circle and Finnmark, while one team is doing events in the Netherlands, and one has finished the season.
It’s a high priority this time of year, to make sure all depots are brought in before the winter storms arrive.
A great deal of the work being done is funded by the Norwegian Retailers Environment Fund, but we are also supported by actors like MOWI and Van Oord.
The Norwegian government has been reducing the yearly budget for supporting volunteer beach cleaning every year since 2018, although new science proves that the negative
I dag har vårt team i Nordland hatt besøk fra Mads Simonsen Thuv fra Ducky, et selskap som gjør det enklere og mer lystbetont å
De fleste er ikke klar over hvor store verdier vi genererer for samfunnet, ikke bare gjennom det frivillige arbeidet vi utfører langs Norges strender, men også i form av de skattene og avgiftene vi betaler.
Cleaning beaches at the most remote and vulnerable nature, we want to do it as gently, environmentally friendly, and sustainably as possible.
Through constantly developing our methodology and now with the expedition vessel Qilak, we have managed to reduce our emissions by up to 90%.
Ny rapport viser hva fremtredende aktører i det norske strandryddemiljøet mener om dette!
Er strandrydding for alle, eller eller er det for utvalgte? Er det riktig at strandrydding skal reguleres slik at utvalgte grupper, aktører eller personer skal ha bedre forutsetninger enn andre til å delta i den store og viktige jobben som skal gjøres i årene fremover?